What is Yandex Search Console (Yandex Webmaster)?

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Understanding Yandex Search Console

Yandex is referred by many to be the Russian search engine. It is not just popular in Russia, but in many parts of the world as well. Like Google, Yandex has different tools in place that you can use to optimize your site. One such is the Yandex Search Console.

Yandex Search Console otherwise called Yandex Webmaster is a tool that allows you to monitor your site performance in the Yandex search engine. It can be used to perform actions such as uploading a site map and getting a list of indexed pages. You can also use it to check site speed problems.

SEO for Yandex – Yandex Webmaster vs Google Search Console

Despite the fact that Yandex may not be as popular as Google, the Yandex Webmaster tool is not so different from the Google Search Console. Both tools provide webmasters with reports and data that they can use to optimize their websites and make them rank higher on search engines.

Yandex Webmaster comes with a structured data validation which lets you know if the metadata on all the pages of your website is correctly recognized. Like Google Search Console, it supports Schema.org, microformats, HTML microdata, and Open Graph. The validator also checks if the markup meets Yandex services requirements.

Impressively, the Yandex Webmaster tool also audits webpages for mobile compatibility. This way you can know which pages of your website need to be mobile-optimized and what you need to do to go about the optimization. Below are some of the factors that the tool considers when auditing a site for mobile.

  • Is viewport specified?
  • Does the webpage have horizontal scrolling?
  • Is the text easy to read on mobile?
  • Does it contain Flash elements?

Yandex Webmaster Search Queries Tool

One neat feature in the Yandex Webmaster is the Search Queries tool. This tool allows you to upload a list of keywords and group them using filters. This way, when the search query of a user consists of one or more of these keywords, your website will be presented among the results.

Yandex Search Console Security Check

Another awesome feature in the Yandex Webmaster tool is Site Security. The webmaster tool checks all websites that it crawls daily, and if it detects a security threat or rule violation, it alerts you in the diagnostic section. This way, you can know what to do to fix the issue.

Yandex Webmaster Extended Site Statistics

Another good thing about Yandex Webmaster is that it provides detailed information about changes in the site status after each search. However, you must use the Sitemap file ot Turbo pages technology to get statistics without any restrictions. You can also download these statistics as an archive for future purposes.

Should I Implement Yandex Webmaster in My Site?

If your website is targeting Russian speaking customers, then it is essential that you implement Yandex Webmaster as this can help increase your site traffic and get more customers. At BrandMeWeb, we help businesses implement Yandex Webmaster on their site, and this is the basic part of SEO for Yandex.

Summary and Conclusion

So far, we’ve explained all the key things you need to know about Yandex Webmaster. We’ve also compared the tool with the Google Search Console and discussed why you need to implement it on your website. With Yandex Webmaster, you can monitor your site performance and optimize it in the search engine.

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